RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Band spectra of periodic hybrid δ- δ′ structures A1 Gadella, Manuel A1 Mateos Guilarte, Juan María A1 Muñoz Castañeda, José María A1 Nieto Calzada, Luis Miguel A1 Santamaría Sanz, Lucía K1 Física K1 Physics K1 Matemáticas K1 Mathematics AB We present a detailed study of a generalised one-dimensional Kronig–Penney model using δ- δ′ potentials. We analyse the band structure and the density of states in two situations. In the first case, we consider an infinite array formed by identical δ- δ′ potentials standing at the linear lattice nodes. This case will be known throughout the paper as the one-species hybrid Dirac comb. We investigate the consequences of adding the δ′ interaction to the Dirac comb by comparing the band spectra and the density of states of pure Dirac-δ combs and one-species hybrid Dirac combs. Secondly, we study the quantum system that arises when the periodic potential is the one obtained from the superposition of two one-species hybrid Dirac combs displaced one with respect to the other and with different couplings. The latter will be known as the two-species hybrid Dirac comb. One of the most remarkable results is the appearance of a curvature change in the band spectrum when the δ′ couplings are above a critical value. PB Springer YR 2020 FD 2020-10 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10004 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10004 LA eng NO This work was partially supported by the Spanish Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER projects (BU229P18 and VA137G18). L.S.S. is grateful to the Spanish Government for the FPU-fellowships programme (FPU18/00957). DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 18-mar-2025