RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Viable system model structuring of success factors in software projects A1 Puche Regaliza, Julio César A1 Jiménez Palmero, Alfredo A1 Arranz Val, Pablo K1 Cybernetics K1 Software project K1 Viable system model K1 Organizational cybernetics K1 Tecnología K1 Technology AB Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the principal success factors of a software projectstructured upon the basis of the viable system model (VSM).Design/methodology/approach – To do so, an exploratory empirical analysis is conducted of a set ofsoftware projects, in which the degree of compliance with the requirements set down by the VSM and thesuccess rating of their development are identified.Findings – The results of the study indicate that the most influential factors in achieving global viability in asoftware project are the local environment, the organizational units and the intelligent system. Building on thosefactors, a mathematical prediction model is developed, reaching an accuracy of 63.16 percent in its predictions.Research limitations/implications – The authors wish to point out that due to the number of projectsemployed in the statistical analysis, the results have to be interpreted with caution and are of anexploratory nature.Practical implications – The authors seek to show that the VSM is an extremely useful tool for themanagement of software projects and, by extension, projects of a general nature. The authors thereforesuggest that knowledge of VSM would be of incalculable value for managers wishing to manage projectssuccessfully and to survive in such a complex and rapidly changing environment as the software projectenvironment is. Its application allows us to diagnose and to detect the critical factors to achieve such success.Social implications – In addition, the research seeks to increase the universality of VSM, contributing to abetter understanding of it and a better and greater formalization of it in favor of its acceptance and itspractical use, seeking in this way to palliate some critical principals related to its abstraction and limitedapplicability and to increase its rigor and validity as an instrument for the diagnosis and the design of viableorganizations.Originality/value – The novelty of this study is therefore principally found in the application of the VSM tothe organizational structure of a software project in such a way that it allows us to detect key factors in itssuccess. Besides, building on the validation of this proposal through the completion of a quantitativeempirical analysis, this study also offers a prediction mathematical model that relates key factors with thesuccess of the project. PB Emerald SN 1753-8378 YR 2017 FD 2017-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10021 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10021 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 10-mar-2025