RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Changing Spanish preservice teachers' environmental attitudes with a citizen science program integrated in Environmental Education subject A1 Díez Ojeda, María A1 Queiruga Dios, Marián A1 Queiruga Dios, Miguel Ángel K1 Citizen science K1 Environmental education K1 Inventory of envirnomental attitudes K1 Preservice teachers K1 Educación K1 Education K1 Enseñanza K1 Teaching AB This research analyzes the effect of the implementation ofcitizen science activities in the Environmental Education(EE) subject program of the Degree in Primary Educationapplying Experiential Learning Theory. EnvironmentalAttitudes Inventory (EAI) was used to measure the changein environmental attitudes (EA) of 173 preservice teachersthrough a pre-test–post-test experimental design withouta control group. Participation in the training program sig-nificantly improved EA in the 12 dimensions defined in theEAI. Of the dimensions included in the second order factorPreservation, Enjoyment of nature reached the largest effectsize and Environmental movement activism is the one thatobtains the smallest effect size. With regard to Utilization,all dimensions presented a large effect size. No significantdifferences were found in EA based on the gender variable.It can be concluded that the incorporation of citizen sci-ence activities in the EE program significantly improves EA. PB Wiley SN 0141-8211 YR 2024 FD 2024-12 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10064 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10064 LA eng NO Fundación Española para la Ciencia yla Tecnología - Ministerio de Cienciae Innovación; European Commission -Horizon Europe research and innovationprogramme; University of Burgos DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025