RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Mejora del razonamiento analógico en ancianos T2 Improving Analog Reasoning in the Elderly A1 Utande, Asunción A1 Molina Cobos, Francisco J. A1 Ruiz Sánchez, Luis Jorge A1 Callejón, Zaida A1 Luciano, Carmen K1 Analogical reasoning K1 Training protocol K1 Elderly people K1 Intelligent behavior K1 Psicología K1 Psychology K1 Salud K1 Health AB Analogical reasoning is perhaps the core element ofintelligent behavior and it has been related to successful aging. The present study aimed to impactthe analogical reasoning of the elderly individuals through the application of an analogies protocolbased on promoting fluency and flexibility (FFA) in relational responding. The FFA protocol wasdesigned specifically for this study and according to the available information on relational behavior.A pre-post design with two conditions, five participants each ranged of 69 to 89 years old. At pretest, participants responded to two WAIS subscales as well as to three analogies tasks specificallydesigned for the study. Then, fluency and flexibility analogies protocol (FFA) was applied to theparticipants of the experimental condition throughout a week. Subsequently, in post-test, the samemeasures used in the pre-test were applied. The FFA protocol had a significant impact on three ofthe five measures. The sensitivity of the tests was discussed as well as different ways to improvethe protocol impact were all discussed. The relevant effect produced for most of the participants arediscussed and highlighted. PB Asociación de Análisis del Comportamiento SN 1577-7057 YR 2021 FD 2021-10 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10089 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10089 LA spa DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025