RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 An overview of sustainable concretes with maximized aggregate content: natural limestone versus steel making slags A1 García Cortés, Verónica A1 García Sánchez, David A1 Revilla Cuesta, Víctor A1 Romera, Jesús María A1 San José Lombera, José Tomás K1 Compressible packing model (CPM) K1 3-Parameter packing desnsity model (3-PM) K1 Electric Arc Furnace Slag K1 Natural (limestone) Aggregate (NA) K1 Concrete design K1 Materiales de construcción K1 Building materials K1 Hormigón-Ensayos K1 Concrete-Testing AB The conversion of various industrial by-products from Spanish factories into co-products used in partial substitution of cement and concrete aggregate has been extensively studied since the 1990s. Building on that research effort, the present investigation is focused on improving the packing density of concrete aggregates, with special emphasis on two central objectives: firstly, the reduction of cement and natural aggregate content within concrete; secondly, the validation of their substitution by Electric Arc Furnace Slag (black-slag) aggregate. To do so, several experimental campaigns were conducted, in which 4 compaction procedures were applied under dry conditions to: 4 sieved fractions of natural limestone and 3 sieved fractions of black-slag aggregates. The physical properties of the 7 sieved fractions had previously been characterized and compared with theoretical models, in order to validate their dosing in the experimental tests: Fuller curve, Funk and Dinger curve, Compressible Packing Model, and the 3-Parameter Packing model. The aggregate-packing densities were experimentally and theoretically studied with dry methods. Our findings showed that, unlike natural aggregates, other methods based on aggregate shape are preferable for black-slag mixtures, due to the specific textures and their abrupt particle contours. The conclusions from the investigations were that both the Compressible Packing Model and the 3-Parameter Packing models produced valuable packing-density predictions for the binary mixes. PB Universidad de Cantabria SN 978-84-09-42253-1 SN 2386-8198 YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10248 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10248 LA eng NO Trabajo presentado en: 9th Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, REHABEND 2022. En Granada, durante los días 13-16 de septiembre de 2022 NO This research work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities, MICINN, AEI, EU, ERDF and NextGenerationEU [grant numbers PID2020-113837RB-I00; 10.13039/501100011033; TED2021-129715B-I00]; the Junta de Castilla y León (Regional Government) and ERDF [grant number UIC-231]; and the University of Burgos [grant number SUCONS, Y135.GI]. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025