RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 25 Years Working with Green Steel Slag Concrete A1 Santamaría, Amaia A1 Revilla Cuesta, Víctor A1 Setien, Jesús A1 Vegas, Iñigo A1 González, Javier Jesús K1 Electric Arc Furnace Slag K1 Green concrete K1 Mechanical behavior K1 Concrete durability K1 Reinforced concrete K1 Hormigón-Ensayos K1 Concrete-Testing K1 Materiales de construcción K1 Building materials AB Industrial production of iron and steel within Spain has historicallybeen situated in the north area of Spain. Although a major economic activity forthe region, the industry also generates large volumes of waste that have hithertobeen dumped in unsightly landfill sites. Over 25 years ago, a group of engineersand researchers from the same area set themselves the challenge of regenerating this waste. In this study, the advances developed in the technology of greenslag concrete are reviewed, focusing on the expertise that the research group hasaccumulated over the past 25 years. Electric arc furnace slag is a stony materialthat is now often used as aggregate in hydraulic and bituminous mixes. Its usein hydraulic cement-based materials and the important properties of slag aggregates for mix workability are analyzed. Likewise, the mechanical behavior andthe durability of slag concrete specimens is presented, paying special attentionto expansive compounds and to the performance of electric arc furnace concretein marine environments. In addition, real scale elements manufactured with slagconcrete and their behavior are analyzed, as well as the advantages of applyingcurrent standards to their design. Finally, new lines of research are discussed forthe use of electric arc furnace slag in cement-based materials. PB Springer SN 978-3-031-32518-2 SN 2366-2557 YR 2023 FD 2023-06 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10258 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10258 LA eng NO Comunicación oral presentada en: Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient (fib symposium) 2023, celebrado en Estambul (Turquía) durante los días 5-7 de junio. NO This research work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities, MICINN, AEI, EU, ERDF and NextGenerationEU [grant numbers PID2020-113837RB-I00; 10.13039/501100011033; TED2021-129715B-I00]; the Junta de Castilla y León (Regional Government) and ERDF [grant number UIC-231]; and the University of Burgos [grant number SUCONS, Y135.GI]. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025