RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 On the construction of experimental designs for a given task by jointly optimizing several quality criteria: Pareto-optimal experimental designs A1 Sánchez Pastor, Mª Sagrario A1 Sarabia Peinador, Luis Antonio A1 Ortiz Fernández, Mª Cruz K1 Chemistry K1 Mathematics K1 Química K1 Matemáticas AB Experimental designs for a given task should be selected on the base of the problem being solved and of some criteria that measure their quality. There are several such criteria because there are several aspects to be taken into account when making a choice. The most used criteria are probably the so-called alphabetical optimality criteria (for example, the A-, E-, and D-criteria related to the joint estimation of the coefficients, or the I- and G-criteria related to the prediction variance). Selecting a proper design to solve a problem implies finding a balance among these several criteria that measure the performance of the design in different aspects. Technically this is a problem of multi-criteria optimization, which can be tackled from different views.The approach presented here addresses the problem in its real vector nature, so that ad hoc experimental designs are generated with an algorithm based on evolutionary algorithms to find the Pareto-optimal front. There is not theoretical limit to the number of criteria that can be studied and, contrary to other approaches, no just one experimental design is computed but a set of experimental designs all of them with the property of being Pareto-optimal in the criteria needed by the user. Besides, the use of an evolutionary algorithm makes it possible to search in both continuous and discrete domains and avoid the need of having a set of candidate points, usual in exchange algorithms. PB Elsevier YR 2012 FD 2012-11 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4283 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4283 LA eng NO Projects CTQ2011-26022(SpanishMinisteriodeEconomíayCompetitividad)andBU108A11-2(JuntadeCastillayLeón). DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025