RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 A Kalman Filter Implementation for Precision Improvement in Low-Cost GPS Positioning of Tractors A1 Gómez Gil, Jaime A1 Ruiz González, Rubén A1 Alonso Garcia, Sergio A1 Gómez Gil, Francisco Javier K1 Kalman filter K1 agricultural vehicle K1 Global Positioning System (GPS) K1 vehicle guidance K1 sensor data fusion K1 autonomous navigation K1 Ingeniería mecánica K1 Mechanical engineering AB Low-cost GPS receivers provide geodetic positioning information using theNMEA protocol, usually with eight digits for latitude and nine digits for longitude. Whenthese geodetic coordinates are converted into Cartesian coordinates, the positions fit in aquantization grid of some decimeters in size, the dimensions of which vary depending onthe point of the terrestrial surface. The aim of this study is to reduce the quantization errorsof some low-cost GPS receivers by using a Kalman filter. Kinematic tractor modelequations were employed to particularize the filter, which was tuned by applying MonteCarlo techniques to eighteen straight trajectories, to select the covariance matrices thatproduced the lowest Root Mean Square Error in these trajectories. Filter performance wastested by using straight tractor paths, which were either simulated or real trajectoriesacquired by a GPS receiver. The results show that the filter can reduce the quantizationerror in distance by around 43%. Moreover, it reduces the standard deviation of the headingby 75%. Data suggest that the proposed filter can satisfactorily preprocess the low-cost GPSreceiver data when used in an assistance guidance GPS system for tractors. It could also beuseful to smooth tractor GPS trajectories that are sharpened when the tractor moves overrough terrain. PB MDPI SN 1424-8220 YR 2013 FD 2013-11 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4373 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4373 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025