RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Is it possible to identify temporal differences among combustion features in Middle Palaeolithic palimpsests? The archaeomagnetic evidence: A case study from level O at the Abric Romaní rock-shelter (Capellades, Spain) A1 Carrancho Alonso, Ángel A1 Villalaín Santamaria, Juan José A1 Vallverdú, Josep A1 Carbonell, Eudald K1 Archaeomagnetism K1 Diachrony K1 Hearth K1 Middle Palaeolithic K1 Neanderthals K1 Secular variation K1 Physics K1 Paleontology K1 Física K1 Paleontología AB Archaeomagnetic dating is probably one of the most known applications of magnetic methods toarchaeology but there are others still underutilized and of particular interest to Palaeolithic archaeology.Here, we report a novel application of archaeomagnetism as a technique to determine temporal diachroniesamong combustion features from the same surface within palaeolithic palimpsests. Theapproach is based on the subtle directional changes of the Earth's magnetic field through time (secularvariation, SV) and on the ability of burned materials to record such variations under certain conditions.Three Middle Palaeolithic hearths from level O (ca. 55 ka BP) at the Abric Romaní rock-shelter (NE Spain),were archaeomagnetically investigated. The studied surface (black homogeneous carbonaceous facies),recorded the magnetic enhancement produced by fire with a tenfold increase in concentrationdependentmagnetic parameters in the uppermost centimetre with respect to its unburned or deepercounterparts. Pseudo-single domain (PSD) Ti-low titanomagnetite was identified as the main remanencecarrier. The irreversibility of thermomagnetic curves suggests that these samples did not undergoenough high temperatures as to record a full thermoremanence (TRM). Additionally, the occasionaloccurrence of maghaemitized magnetite is interpreted as an indication of a thermochemical remanentmagnetization (TCRM), making these samples unsuitable for absolute palaeointensity determinations.Two well-defined (a95 < 5 ) and statistically indistinguishable archaeomagnetic directions were obtainedwith their mean directions within their respective confidences circles at the 95% level. The lack ofdirectional changes and the similarity in the magnetic properties suggest that these hearths recordedsimultaneously or closely confined in time the Earth's magnetic field direction at the time of cooling.These results agree well with archaeological evidence which indicates a synchronic occupation of thisactivity area. The possibility of determining temporal differences among combustion features in prehistoricsites arises as a promising tool in palimpsest dissection studies and may help to reconstructoccupation patterns of prehistoric groups. The practical limits of the method are discussed as well as itspotential to identify post-depositional mechanical alteration processes. PB Elsevier SN 1040-6182 YR 2016 FD 2016-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4593 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4593 LA eng NO Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, (MINECO) andEuropean Regional Development Fund (projects CGL2012-38481and CGL2012-32149) DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 22-ene-2025