RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 8.2 ka BP paleoclimatic event and the Ebro Valley Mesolithic groups: Preliminary data from Artusia rock shelter (Unzué, Navarra, Spain) A1 García Martínez de Lagrán, Inigo . A1 Iriarte Avilés, Eneko A1 García Gazólaz, Jesús . A1 Tejedor Rodríguez, Cristina . A1 Gibaja Bao, Juan Francisco . A1 Moreno García, Marta . A1 Pérez Jordá, Guillem A1 Ruiz Alonso, Mónica . A1 Sesma Sesma, Jesús . A1 Garrido Pena, Rafael . A1 Carrancho Alonso, Ángel A1 Peña Chocarro, Leonor A1 Rojo Guerra, Manuel A. . K1 Mesolithic K1 8.2 ka BP abrupt climatic event K1 Fluvial tufa K1 Upper Ebro Basin K1 Iberian Peninsula K1 Física K1 Physics AB This paper presents the results of the first excavation campaign of the Artusia rock shelter in Unzué, Navarre, Spain. Chronocultural and archaeobiological analyses revealed five different occupation phases (Artusia I–V) within the regional Mesolithic timeline, specifically in the Mesolithic of Notches and Denticulates (Artusia I and II) and the Geometric Mesolithic (Artusia III, IV, and V). In addition, the study of the sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental evolution in the entire record helped to clearly define several climatic events which developed around 6550 cal BC–8500 cal BP and 6250 cal BC–8200 cal BP. Here, we present a description of these events and their (pre)historical interpretation with the aim of recognizing how they influenced the Mesolithic hunter–gatherer groups living in the Ebro Basin of the Iberian Peninsula. PB Elsevier SN 1040-6182 YR 2016 FD 2016-06 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4595 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4595 LA eng NO projects “Los Caminos del Neolítico” -HAR2009-09027- and “Los Caminos del Neolítico II” -(HAR2013-46800-P)-under directed by Dr. Manuel Rojo Guerra, granted by the SubdirectorateGeneral for Research Projects/General Directorate ofResearch and Management of the National Plan for R and D andInnovation/Secretary of State for Research of the Ministry of Scienceand Innovation of Spain, and co-financed by the Government ofNavarre. All analytical work and radiocarbon dating were carriedout within the project “Origins and spread of agriculture in thewestern Mediterranean region” -ERC-2008-AdG 230561-, coordinatedby Dr. Leonor Pe~na Chocarro and financed by the EuropeanResearch Council. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 28-oct-2024