RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Estimation of photovoltaic potential for electricity self-sufficiency: A study case of military facilities in northwest Spain A1 Suárez García, Andrés A1 Arce Fariña, Elena A1 Álvarez Feijoo, Miguel A1 González Peña, David A1 Alonso Tristán, Cristina A1 Diez Mediavilla, Montserrat K1 Electrotecnia K1 Electrical engineering AB Renewable energies, including photovoltaic energy, are attracting widespreadinternational attention, in reaction to worsening environmental problems and thediminishing long-term sustainability of fossil fuel energies. In this work, the potentialbenefits of installing photovoltaic panels on several buildings at the SpanishNaval Military School (Escuela Naval Militar, ENM) of Mar ın are considered. Thetwo salient advantages are significant economic savings from the production andthe sale of electricity to the Spanish Electricity Network and achieving selfsufficiencyin electricity requirements. Consequently, the main objective of thiswork is to estimate the energy potential of photovoltaic installations on the roofs ofthe ENM buildings. This is the first time that a project of this nature and size is presentedto the Spanish Navy. To that end, a three-dimensional geographic analysisof the buildings is performed using three freeware software: Trimble SketchUp,Skelion, and Photovoltaic Geographical Information System. An economic study isalso conducted to determine the feasibility of the installations, by estimating theNet Present Value of the photovoltaic installation and the Internal Rate of Returnassociated with the project. Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis that considers themost important parameters for the calculation of the amortization period is reported.The results show that the installation could fulfill the ENM electrical demands andcould, in addition, generate significant economic benefits. The conclusions end witha recommendation to consider the merits of the proposed solution. PB AIP Publishing SN 1941-7012 YR 2017 FD 2017-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4668 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4668 LA eng NO RegionalGovernment of Castilla y Le on (Ref. BU034U16), under European Regional Development Fund,and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the IþD þ i stateprogramme Challenges for the Society (Ref. ENE-2014-54601-R). One of the authors, DavidGonz alez Pe~na, thanks Junta de Castilla-Le on for economic support (PIRTU Program, ORDENEDU/301/2015) DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 07-mar-2025