RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 QSAR analysis of substituent effects on tambjamine anion transporters A1 Knight, Nicola J. . A1 Hernando Santa Cruz, Elsa A1 Haynes, Cally J. E. . A1 Busschaert, Nathalie A1 Clarke, Harriet J. . A1 Takimoto, Koji A1 García Valverde, María A1 Frey, Jeremy G. . A1 Quesada Pato, Roberto A1 Gale, Philip A. . K1 Chemistry, Organic K1 Química orgánica AB The transmembrane anion transport activity of 43 synthetic molecules based on the structure of marinealkaloid tambjamine were assessed in model phospholipid (POPC) liposomes. The anionophoric activityof these molecules showed a parabolic dependence with lipophilicity, with an optimum range fortransport efficiency. Using a quantitative structure–transport activity (QSAR) approach it was possible torationalize these results and to quantify the contribution of lipophilicity to the transport activity of thesederivatives. While the optimal value of log P and the curvature of the parabolic dependence is a propertyof the membrane (and so similar for the different series of substituents) we found that for relativelysimple substituents in certain locations on the tambjamine core, hydrophobic interactions clearlydominate, but for others, more specific interactions are present that change the position of themembrane hydrophobicity parabolic envelope. PB Royal Society of Chemistry SN 2041-6520 YR 2016 FD 2016-02 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4743 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4743 LA eng NO RQacknowledges funding from Consejer´ıa de Educaci´on de laJunta de Castilla y Le´on (Project BU340U13) and Fundaci´o laMarat´o de TV3 (20132730). PAG thanks the EPSRC for funding(EP/J009687/1 and EP/K039466/1). COST CM1005 Supramolecular Chemistry inWater for a STSM (EH). JGF thanks the EPSRC (GR/R67729 & EP/K003569) for funding DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025