RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Effects of different types of rubric-based feedback on learning outcomes A1 Sáiz Manzanares, María Consuelo A1 Cuesta Segura, Isidoro Iván A1 Alegre Calderón, Jesús Manuel A1 Peñacoba Antona, Lorena K1 institutional change K1 rubric K1 feedback K1 higher education K1 self-regulation of learning K1 assessment K1 Enseñanza superior K1 Education, Higher AB Nowadays in higher education, the teaching procedures that lead to better learningoutcomes (LO) require continuous analysis. Rubrics such as teaching feedback procedureshave demonstrated their effectiveness at heightening the reflection of universitystudents on their own practice. The aims were (1) to study the effects of different typesof rubric-based feedback [from process-oriented feedback to traditional feedback] onLO and on student perceptions of subject matter knowledge (SPKI) after training in acomparison between students in engineering and students in the social sciences; (2) toanalyze the relation between metacognitive skills and motivation with LO and SPKI; and(3) to validate the results with structural equation modeling (SEM). The study compriseda total of 171 university students (n = 80 from the mechanical engineering degree andn = 91 from social sciences degree). A quasi-experimental design with a control groupwas used to test aim 1 and a descriptive correlational design to test aim 2. SEM wasapplied to validate the results (aim 3). Significant differences were found between bothtypes of rubric-based feedback (process-oriented v. traditional) in relation to LO, thoughnot in relation to SPKI. The effects of the degree type were noted in LO but no in SPKI.Likewise, a relation between SPKI and motivation skills was found in engineering students.Accordingly, the type of degree and the characteristics of the subject modulesappear to be determining factors in successful learning, while SPKI is directly linked tomotivation skills. The SEM results validated these conclusions. PB Frontiers Media SN 2504-284X YR 2017 FD 2017-07 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4829 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4829 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025