RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Forward genetics by genome sequencing uncovers the central role of the aspergillus niger goxB locus in hydrogen peroxide induced glucose oxidase expression A1 Laothanachareon, Thanaporm A1 Tamayo Ramos, Juan Antonio A1 Nijsse, Bart A1 Schaap, Peter J. K1 forward genetics K1 genome sequencing K1 Aspergillus niger K1 N402 K1 goxB K1 glucose oxidase K1 MicrobiologĂ­a K1 Microbiology AB Aspergillus niger is an industrially important source for gluconic acid and glucoseoxidase (GOx), a secreted commercially important flavoprotein which catalyses theoxidation of b-D-glucose by molecular oxygen to D-glucolactone and hydrogenperoxide. Expression of goxC, the GOx encoding gene and the concomitant two stepconversion of glucose to gluconic acid requires oxygen and the presence of significantamounts of glucose in the medium and is optimally induced at pH 5.5. The molecularmechanisms underlying regulation of goxC expression are, however, still enigmatic.Genetic studies aimed at understanding GOx induction have indicated the involvementof at least seven complementation groups, for none of which the molecular basis hasbeen resolved. In this study, a mapping-by-sequencing forward genetics approach wasused to uncover the molecular role of the goxB locus in goxC expression. Using theIllumina and PacBio sequencing platforms a hybrid high quality draft genome assemblyof laboratory strain N402 was obtained and used as a reference for mapping of genomicreads obtained from the derivative NW103:goxB mutant strain. The goxB locus encodesa thioredoxin reductase. A deletion of the encoding gene in the N402 parent strain ledto a high constitutive expression level of the GOx and the lactonase encoding genesrequired for the two-step conversion of glucose in gluconic acid and of the catR geneencoding catalase R. This high constitutive level of expression was observed to beirrespective of the carbon source and oxidative stress applied. A model clarifying therole of GoxB in the regulation of the expression of goxC involving hydrogen peroxide assecond messenger is presented. PB Frontiers Media SN 1664-302X YR 2018 FD 2018-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4960 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/4960 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025