RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Interaction analysis of commercial graphene oxide nanoparticles with unicellular systems and biomolecules A1 Domi, Brixhilda A1 Rumbo Lorenzo, Carlos A1 García Tojal, Javier A1 Elena Sima, Livia A1 Negroiu, Gabriela A1 Tamayo Ramos, Juan Antonio K1 Graphene K1 Unicellular organisms K1 Toxicity K1 Binding capacity K1 ATR-FTIR K1 TEM K1 ICP-MS K1 Materia-Composición K1 Matter-Constitution AB The ability of commercial monolayer graphene oxide (GO) and graphene oxide nanocolloids (GOC) to interact with different unicellular systems and biomolecules was studied by analyzing the response of human alveolar carcinoma epithelial cells, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the bacteria Vibrio fischeri to the presence of different nanoparticle concentrations, and by studying the binding affinity of different microbial enzymes, like the α-l-rhamnosidase enzyme RhaB1 from the bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum and the AbG β-d-glucosidase from Agrobacterium sp. (strain ATCC 21400). An analysis of cytotoxicity on human epithelial cell line A549, S. cerevisiae (colony forming units, ROS induction, genotoxicity) and V. fischeri (luminescence inhibition) cells determined the potential of both nanoparticle types to damage the selected unicellular systems. Also, the protein binding affinity of the graphene derivatives at different oxidation levels was analyzed. The reported results highlight the variability that can exist in terms of toxicological potential and binding affinity depending on the target organism or protein and the selected nanomaterial. PB MDPI YR 2020 FD 2020-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5216 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5216 LA eng NO European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreements Nº 691095, Nº 721642 and Nº 734873; Junta de Castilla y Leon-FEDER under grants Nº BU079U16, BU291P18 and BU022G18, and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2016-75023-C2-1-P and CTQ2015-70371-REDT MetDrugs Network (Spain) DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025