RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Application of the Just-About-Right Scales in the Development of New Healthy Whole-Wheat Muffins by the Addition of a Product Obtained from White and Red Grape Pomace A1 Ortega Heras, Miriam A1 Gómez Bastida, Inmaculada A1 Pablos Alcalde, Sara A1 González San José, Mª Luisa K1 muffins K1 JAR K1 sensory properties K1 Alimentos K1 Food AB The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of sensory attributes, by the useof just-about-right (JAR) scales and penalty analysis, of new healthy whole-wheat mu ns withhigh fibre content due to the addition of two products obtained from white and red grape pomace.Furthermore, the nutritional, colour and texture properties of themu ns were evaluated. For that, fiveformulations of whole-wheat mu ns were studied: a control mu n made with 100% whole-wheatflour and mu ns made with 10 and 20% of white and red grape pomace product, respectively.The incorporation of grape pomace products in the recipe led to mu ns with "high-fibre content",which would imply healthy properties in these mu ns. The hardness and chewiness increasedwhereas the springiness, cohesiveness, resilience and colour parameters decreased when the grapepomace products were incorporated. The sensory analysis indicated high levels of acceptabilityof the mu ns that incorporated white and red grape pomace products at concentrations of 10%.The penalty analysis showed that none of the attributes evaluated a ected the acceptability of thenew mu ns significantly; only the darker colour of the mu ns caused by the red grape pomaceproduct could a ect the acceptability, although this fact was not clearly demonstrated. PB MDPI YR 2019 FD 2019-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5266 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5266 LA eng NO Authonomous Government of Castilla y León (BU282U13) DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025