RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Influencia de la demanda, control y apoyo social sobre el estrés laboral. Análisis por situación laboral de la V Encuesta Europea sobre condiciones de trabajo T2 Influence of demand, control and social support on job stress. Analysis by employment status from the V European working conditions survey A1 García Herrero, Susana A1 Mariscal Saldaña, Miguel Ángel A1 López Perea, Eva María A1 Quiroz Flores, Martha Felicitas K1 Stress K1 Demand K1 Control K1 Social support K1 Bayesian networks K1 Estrés K1 Demanda K1 Control K1 Apoyo social K1 Redes bayesianas K1 Organización del trabajo K1 Methods engineering K1 Relaciones laborales K1 Industrial relations K1 Gestión de empresas K1 Industrial management AB Work stress increasingly affects many workers from different countries. Conditions such as high demand, low social support and low jobcontrol are considered predictors of increased stress. With data obtained from the V European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) aBayesian network model was made. It provides information on the levels of stress in relation to model demand-control-social support(DCS), differentiating into work situations as they are, self-employed, private and public. To deepen understanding of the interrelationshipsbetween these variables sensitivity analysis of individual and overall were performed to check the DCS model assumptions. This modelapplied in the V EWCS identified the variations and similarities between different work situations, proving that having low levels ofdemand, together with control and high social support, the likelihood of stress decreases. PB Universidad Nacional de Colombia YR 2016 FD 2016-02 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5292 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5292 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 10-mar-2025