RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Gender, physical self-perception and overall physical fitness in secondary school students: a multiple mediation model A1 Ruiz Montero, Pedro Jesús A1 Chiva Bartoll, Oscar A1 Baena Extremera, Antonio A1 Hortigüela Alcalá, David K1 self-confidence K1 physical capacity K1 body image K1 sport ability K1 strength perceived K1 self-esteem K1 Enseñanza secundaria K1 Education, Secondary AB Background: Physical self-perception is often related with better physical fitness perceptionin adolescents. Moreover, it is an important social cognitive perspective to provide suitable mentalhealth in this population. However, this relationship is unequal between boys and girls. The physicalfitness is a marker of health in young population. The aims of the present study were the following:(1) to compare physical self-perception and self-reported overall physical fitness (OPF) betweenboys and girls (gender) and body mass index (BMI) status, and (2) to determine the mediatingrole of all physical self-perception subscales (except physical condition) and BMI status in the linkbetween gender and OPF in adolescent students. Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of85 adolescent students of secondary school between 12 and 17 years of age; 41 were boys (Mage = 14.6,SD = 1.7) and 44 were girls (Mage = 14.4, SD = 1.6). Adolescent participants completed all clinicalcharacteristics by body composition measures (age, body weight, body height, and BMI). Physicalself-perception was assessed by the physical self-perception profile (PSPP) whereas the internationalfitness scale (IFIS) was used to predict the self-reported OPF of adolescents in the present study. Results:Gender (boys and girls) di ered significantly in all PSPP subscales and OPF, whereas the BMI status(underweight = 19 students, normal weight = 53 students, overweight/obese = 13 students) showedsignificant di erences in all clinical characteristics, physical condition (PSPP), and OPF. A multiplemediation analysis was performed using bias corrected bootstrap. This multiple mediation analysisrevealed that all PSPP subscales were significant mediators between gender and OPF: attractivebody (p = 0.013), sport competence (p = 0.009), physical strength (p = 0.002), and self-confidence(p = 0.002). The total direct e ect of gender on OPF was significant (p = 0.002). Moreover, the multiplemediation estimated a completely standardized indirect of X on Y for attractive body (e ect = 0.109),sport competence (e ect = 0.066), physical strength (e ect = 0.130), and self-confidence (e ect = 0.193).Conclusions: These findings contribute to understanding the link between gender and OPF inadolescent students and the mediation of physical self-perception and OPF in this relationship.In addition, strategies focused to improve self-confidence and physical self-perception are necessaryin female adolescent students, because boys showed better physical self-perception in all PSPPsubscales. Girls are a risk group because they report low physical self-confidence with their respectiveinsecurity feelings and psychological disorders. Thus, personal physical self-perception must beconsidered as an important social cognitive perspective to provide suitable mental health in childrenand adolescents. PB MDPI SN 1661-7827 YR 2020 FD 2020-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5476 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5476 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 14-mar-2025