RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Partial least squares model inversion in the chromatographic determination of triazines in water A1 Ortiz Fernández, Mª Cruz A1 Sarabia Peinador, Luis Antonio A1 Herrero Gutiérrez, Ana A1 Reguera Alonso, Celia A1 Sanllorente Méndez, Silvia A1 Arce Antón, Mar A1 Valencia García, Olga A1 Ruiz Miguel, Santiago A1 Sánchez Pastor, Mª Sagrario K1 PLS inversion K1 HPLC-DAD K1 Product design K1 Analytical Quality by Design K1 Triazines K1 Surface water K1 Química analítica K1 Chemistry, Analytic AB Inside the framework of Analytical Quality by Design, a model-based approach has been developed and used to identify operating conditions (control method parameters) related to the composition and flow rate of the mobile phase for a liquid chromatographic determination with preset quality characteristics.The approach starts by defining these desired characteristics of the intended chromatogram (proper resolution for consecutive peaks and short time of analysis) and then looking for the needed control method parameters via inversion of a Partial Least Squares (PLS) prediction model.The procedure has been applied to the determination of eight triazines (simazine, simetryn, atrazine, ametryn, propazine, terbuthylazine, prometryn and terbutryn) in surface waters by means of SPE-HPLC-DAD. These triazines either are forbidden or have a maximum allowable limit due to their potential toxicity.The experimental verification of the selected parameters showed that the experimental results were significantly equal to those predicted. Besides, the validation of the developed method allowed concluding that accuracy was fulfilled for the eight triazines and there was not bias. With a probability of false positive equal to 0.05, CCβ was less than 3 µg L−1 for every triazine, except for simazine and terbutryn, which was less than 6 µg L−1 being the probability of false negative less than 10-6.No triazine was found, above their maximum allowable concentration, in any of the samples of surface water picked at fifteen different locations, mostly from streams and the Arlanzón river, near Burgos (Spain). PB Elsevier SN 0026-265X YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5632 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5632 LA eng NO Spanish MINECO (AEI/FEDER, UE) through project CTQ2017-88894-R, and Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (BU052P20) both co-financed with European Regional Development Funds DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025