RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Cold Isostatic pressing to improve the mechanical performance of additively manufactured metallic components A1 Cuesta Segura, Isidoro Iván A1 Martínez Pañeda, Emilio A1 Díaz Portugal, Andrés A1 Alegre Calderón, Jesús Manuel K1 cold isostatic pressure K1 metal 3D printing K1 small punch test K1 binder jetting K1 Resistencia de materiales K1 Strength of materials AB Additive manufacturing is becoming a technique with great prospects for the production ofcomponents with new designs or shapes that are difficult to obtain by conventional manufacturingmethods. One of the most promising techniques for printing metallic components is binder jetting,due to its time efficiency and its ability to generate complex parts. In this process, a liquid bindingagent is selectively deposited to adhere the powder particles of the printing material. Once the metallicpiece is generated, it undergoes a subsequent process of curing and sintering to increase its density(hot isostatic pressing). In thiswork,we propose subjecting themanufactured component to an additionalpost-processing treatment involving the application of a high hydrostatic pressure (5000 bar) at roomtemperature. This post-processing technique, so-called cold isostatic pressing (CIP), is shown to increasethe yield load and the maximum carrying capacity of an additively manufactured AISI 316L stainlesssteel. The mechanical properties, with and without CIP processing, are estimated by means of thesmall punch test, a suitable experimental technique to assess the mechanical response of small samples.In addition,we investigate the porosity andmicrostructure of thematerial according to the orientations oflayer deposition during themanufacturing process. Our observations reveal a homogeneous distributionindependent of these orientations, evidencing thus an isotropic behaviour of the material. PB MDPI YR 2019 FD 2019-08 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5659 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/5659 LA eng NO Ministry of Education of the Regional Government of Castile and Leon under the auspices of the support for the Recognized Research Groups of public universities of Castile and Leon started in 2018, Project: BU033G18. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025