RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Subcritical water extraction scale-up from laboratory to pilot system for red algae residue valorization A1 Trigueros Andrés, Ester A1 Alonso Riaño, Patricia A1 Benito Román, Oscar A1 Melgosa Gómez, Rodrigo A1 Sanz Díez, Mª Teresa A1 Beltrán Calvo, Sagrario A1 Illera Gigante, Alba Ester K1 Ingeniería química K1 Chemical engineering AB Gelidium sesquipedale solid residue after industrial agar extraction contains high amountsof proteins with all essential amino acids and carbohydrates such as glucans, galactans orarabinans [1]. Therefore, although it is generally discarded, its reincorporation in theindustry as a value-added product brings an interesting solution. Traditional methods usedfor bioactive compounds extraction from different raw materials present numerousdrawbacks, namely, time-consuming, costly to dispose of used products and harmful toenvironment and human health [2]. Among green technologies, subcritical waterextraction (SWE) stands out as a great alternative to traditional extraction processes. SWEconsists of using hot pressurized water above its boiling point, 100 °C, and below itscritical point, 374 °C, which causes many of the properties of water to change, such asdensity or dielectric constant [3,4]. Water dielectric constant, which is related to itspolarity, decreases with increasing temperature, similar to organic solvents, at 200 °C. Asa result, through the dielectric constant modulation with temperature, SWE is able toselectively extract polar or non-polar compounds [5].In order to assess the feasibility of industrial-scale subcritical solvent extraction, a pilot-scale process must first be tested. Generally, the design of the industrial SWE equipmentis preceded by the study of laboratory- and pilot-scale systems. Hence, although in manycases the pilot-scale study stage is eliminated, the scaling-up process would be much moreefficient by incorporating the pilot-scale study to obtain quality data and determinationof scale-up factor [6]. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to prove the feasibilityof industrial-scale subcritical water system through scaling-up from lab to pilot system.,by the comparison of lab- and pilot-scale subcritical water performance. For this, manyanalytical methods were applied for the comparison of the extraction yield of the twosystems; such as, polysaccharide fraction identification and quantification, total proteincontent and free amino acids determination, and total polyphenol content (TPC) andantioxidant activity.Galactose was mainly recovered as oligomer fraction with maximum yields of 71.4 (36minutes) and 74.5 % (45 minutes) for pilot and lab-scale, respectively (Figure 1a). Loweryields were determined for glucans, with maximum yields of 9.5 % for both systems, inwhich more than 6 % was extracted in the first minutes. Similar extraction curves andyields were determined for protein fraction with final extraction yields close to 40 %(Figure 1b), while free amino acids content was higher in laboratory scale. The greatestextraction yield was accounted for the smallest amino acids, such as glycine, alanine andaspartic acid, whereas polar amino acids such as glutamic acid and lysine were reduced,although lysine was not detected in pilot system. Differences in total polyphenolic compounds (TPC) extraction were observed for bothsystems. Increasing TPC content with time was determined for lab-scale system, while inpilot system a plateau phase was observed after 36 minutes of extraction.SWE has been proven to be an efficient technology for bioactive compounds recoverysuch as carbohydrates, protein and amino acids from algae residue. Scaling up ofsubcritical water system from laboratory to pilot scale resulted in good and reproducibleresults. Therefore, feasibility of industrial-scale subcritical water system through scaling-up from lab to pilot system has been showed. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6656 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6656 LA eng NO Póster presentado en: EIFS2022, the 2nd Iberian Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (2º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos / 2º Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos), to be held on 28.February - 2.March 2022 in Coimbra, Portugal. NO This work was supported by AEI [PID2019-104950RB-I00 andPID2020-116716RJ-I00] and JCyL and ERDF [BU050P20]P. Alonso-Riaño and E. Trigueros acknowledge funding fromJCyL and ESF [Orden EDU/556/2019 and EDU/574/2018,respectively]. A.E. Illera post-doctoral contract was funded byJCyL and ERDF [BU050P20]. R. Melgosa is supported by aBeatriz Galindo Research Fellowship [BG20/00182]. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 13-mar-2025