RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Prediction of container filling for the selective waste collection in Algeciras (Spain) A1 Rodríguez López, Juana Carmen A1 Moscoso López, José Antonio A1 Ruiz Aguilar, Juan Jesús A1 Rodríguez García, Inmaculada A1 Alcántara Pérez, Jose Manuel A1 Turias Domínguez, Ignacio J. K1 Modelización K1 Modelling K1 Simulación K1 Simulation K1 Transporte marítimo K1 Maritime transport K1 Ingeniería civil K1 Civil engineering K1 Transportes K1 Transportation K1 Informática K1 Computer science AB The aim of this study is to create an intelligent system that improves the efficiency of garbagecollection, (cardboard waste, in this particular case). The number of cardboard containers tobe collected each day will be determined based on a prediction made on the filled volumerecorded in each container. It will be reflected in the cost and fuel savings, reducingemissions and contributing to environmental sustainability. These results will allow planningthe sequence of waste removal, which means the optimal collection route consideringrestrictive parameters such as the type of truck, the location of containers, collection timesby zones, and the availability of working staff.A filling prediction system is proposed based on real historical data provided by the currentwaste collection company in Algeciras (ARCGISA). To achieve this objective, an intelligentsystem is designed using predictive analytics and several methods based on machinelearning, modelling the collection system as a classification model, comparing the resultsfrom a statistical point of view (using sensitivity, specificity, etc.). The results obtained withthe best-tested method indicate an improvement average rate of 26% in sensitivityperformance index and 67% in specificity performance index.Currently, waste collection is carried out without predictive analysis. The relevance of anefficient waste collection system is becoming increasingly important. Achieving optimalwaste collection will result in improved service to citizens, cost savings for theadministration, and significant environmental improvements. PB Universidad de Burgos. Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional SN 978-84-18465-12-3 YR 2021 FD 2021-07 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6930 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6930 LA eng NO Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de Burgos NO This work is part of the research project RTI-2018-098160-B-I00 supported by 'MICINN. Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a 'Los Retos de la Sociedad'. Data used in this work have been kindly provided by ARCGISA. Colaboration between ARCGISA and University of Cádiz was supported with Fundación del Campus Tecnológico de Algeciras (FCTA). DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025