RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Thinking the unthinkable: The design of disruptive visions for land use and transport integration A1 Soria Lara, Julio Alberto A1 Cascajo Jiménez, Rocío A1 Ariza Álvarez, Amor A1 Arce Ruiz, Rosa María A1 Aguilera Benavente, Francisco A1 López García de Leániz, Cristina K1 Planificación del transporte K1 Planning of transport K1 Ingeniería civil K1 Civil engineering K1 Transportes K1 Transportation K1 Geografía K1 Geography AB Transport Scenario-Building is a well-established methodology to investigate strategicdecisions for cities and its transport systems. It is often used to examine different futureswhere there is considerable uncertainty or where the business-as-usual is no longerappropriate. While the use of participatory approaches in Transport Scenario-Building hasresulted in more democratic and implementable outcomes, the usefulness of thoseapproaches is limited when the generation of disruptive transport futures and unusual policysolutions are considered.This paper addresses the abovementioned issue by presenting a participatory approach aimedto obtain disruptive visions on land use and transport by 2050. The context of theMetropolitan Area of Madrid (Spain) is taken as case study. The novel approach incorporatesdisruptive factors about city futures - “wild cards”- during the participatory visioningprocess, triggering an unconventional thinking from participants. First, a total of 139 peoplewere engaged by using semi-structured interviews on the future of land use and transport inthe case study. Each semi-structured interview explored the desired future for eachparticipant as well as disruptive futures according to “wild cards” previously established.Second, responses were transcribed, coded, and analysed resulting in seven different futurenarratives.Third, a group of 20 experts in innovation and strategic thinking evaluated the disruptivelevel of each future narrative with respect to a business-as-usual scenario. The paper showsthe methodological process, the future narratives obtained, and reflects on the capacity ofthis participatory approach to generate disruptive future visions for land use and transport. PB Universidad de Burgos. Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional SN 978-84-18465-12-3 YR 2021 FD 2021-07 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6984 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/6984 LA eng NO Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de Burgos NO This research has been developed in the context of the research project "TRANS-URBAN: Simulación de escenarios colaborativos para integrar políticas de transporte urbano sostenible y usos del suelo". The project was funded by the Spanish Government under National R+D Plan (2018–2020) JCR. Grant Agreement no. CSO2017-86914-C2-2-P. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 13-mar-2025