RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Building Historical Narratives about Controversial Issues on Twitter: An Analysis of Digital Literacy Levels in Secondary School Students A1 Ortega Sánchez, Delfín A1 Barba Alonso, César K1 Historical education K1 Historical accounts K1 Controversial issues K1 Digital literacy K1 Twitter K1 Educación K1 Education K1 Tecnología K1 Technology AB This research analyses the literacy levels of a group of Spanish secondary schoolhistory students (n = 42) in digital environments (Twitter), with the aim of providingeducational clues about the ways in which social discourses are constructed oncontroversial issues, in particular those generated by the Spanish Civil War. Froma qualitative research approach, the most recurrent digital narrative data has beenemptied and analyzed, based on three a priori categories of social analysis: gender,historical empathy and social conscience. The results report the predominance ofcognitive/inferential literacy skills and, consequently, the need to incorporate newscenarios for teaching-learning history from the theoretical principles of criticalpedagogy and education for active, critical and committed citizenship with socialparticipation. PB IntechOpen SN 978-1-83969-289-5 YR 2021 FD 2021-02 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7196 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7196 LA eng NO This study was completed with the support of the Research Group Recognized in Didactics of History and Social Sciences (DHISO), and the Group for Educational Innovation in Didactics of Social Sciences, Languages and Literatures in Initial Teacher Training of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education (DiCSOL) of the University of Burgos. This publication is part of the R&D Projects Teach and Learn to interpret contemporary problems and conflicts. What do the Social Sciences contribute to the formation of a critical global citizenship? (EDU2016–80145-P), financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spanish Government), and Future Education and Democratic Hope. Rethinking Social Studies Education in changing times (PID2019- 107383RB-I00), financed by the Ministry of Science, and Innovation Funding entity: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spanish Government). DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 23-feb-2025