RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Virtual Reality Training Application for the Condition-Based Maintenance of Induction Motors A1 Checa Cruz, David A1 Saucedo Dorantes, Juan José A1 Osornio-Ríos, Roque Alfredo A1 Antonio-Daviu, José Alfonso A1 Bustillo Iglesias, Andrés K1 Virtual reality K1 Induction motors K1 Fault detection K1 FFT K1 Eye tracking K1 Informática K1 Computer science AB The incorporation of new technologies as training methods, such as virtual reality (VR),facilitates instruction when compared to traditional approaches, which have shown strong limitationsin their ability to engage young students who have grown up in the smartphone culture of continuous entertainment. Moreover, not all educational centers or organizations are able to incorporatespecialized labs or equipment for training and instruction. Using VR applications, it is possibleto reproduce training programs with a high rate of similarity to real programs, filling the gap intraditional training. In addition, it reduces unnecessary investment and prevents economic losses,avoiding unnecessary damage to laboratory equipment. The contribution of this work focuses on thedevelopment of a VR-based teaching and training application for the condition-based maintenance ofinduction motors. The novelty of this research relies mainly on the use of natural interactions withthe VR environment and the design’s optimization of the VR application in terms of the proposedteaching topics. The application is comprised of two training modules. The first module is focusedon the main components of induction motors, the assembly of workbenches and familiarization withinduction motor components. The second module employs motor current signature analysis (MCSA)to detect induction motor failures, such as broken rotor bars, misalignments, unbalances, and gradualwear on gear case teeth. Finally, the usability of this VR tool has been validated with both graduateand undergraduate students, assuring the suitability of this tool for: (1) learning basic knowledgeand (2) training in practical skills related to the condition-based maintenance of induction motors. PB MDPI YR 2022 FD 2022-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7335 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7335 LA eng NO This research has been partially supported by Banco Santander under the scholarship program Santander Iberoamérica Research 2019/20. This investigation was partially supported by the ACIS project (Reference Number INVESTUN/21/BU/0002) of the Consejeria de Empleo of the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain). DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 07-mar-2025