RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Study of subcritical water scale-up from laboratory to pilot system for brewer’s spent grain valorization A1 Alonso Riaño, Patricia A1 Ramos, Claudete Gindri A1 Trigueros Andrés, Ester A1 Beltrán Calvo, Sagrario A1 Sanz Díez, Mª Teresa K1 Subcritical water treatment K1 Scale-up K1 Carbohydrates K1 Protein K1 Phenolic compounds K1 Brewer's spent grain K1 Ingeniería química K1 Chemical engineering AB The feasibility of an industrial-scale subcritical water (SW) system by scaling up from laboratory to pilot scale ina discontinuous operation mode has been investigated regarding the valorization of brewer´s spent grain (BSG).The subcritical water treatment (SWT) of BSG at the pilot scale in a discontinuous mode at 170 ◦C and 22 min,resulted in the release of 56% of the total carbohydrates present in the BSG. A total pentose yield of 78% wasachieved (18% as monomer and 82% as oligomer). The concentration of inhibitors in the hydrolysate wasrelatively low, 0.22 g/L, 0.31 g/L, and 0.13 g/L of furfural and acetic and formic acids respectively. Other highvalue compounds were obtained, such as 6.5 g peptides/L (64% protein yield), 21 mg free amino acids/g protein(2.17% aa yield), and a total phenolic content (TPC) of 17.84 mg GAE/g dry BSG. In general, the results showedgood reproducibility when scaling up from laboratory to pilot SW process. Good reproducibility of the scale-upwas found for the release yield of arabinoxylo-oligomers, and gluco-oligomers from BSG, also for the proteinyield and the release of free amino acids. However, the xylo-oligomers yield was 13% higher at the lab scale thanat the pilot scale and higher concentrations of monomers and phenolic compounds were found in the SW hydrolysates obtained at the lab scale. Differences in the preheating time in both systems seem to have an effect onthe hydrolysis yield of some the biopolymers. SWT modified the composition of the residual solid, as a decreasein the concentration of hemicellulose and an increase in the glucan content was observed, which may enhancethe digestibility of the solid improving a further enzymatic release of glucose from the remaining solid. PB Elsevier SN 0926-6690 YR 2023 FD 2023-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7473 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7473 LA eng NO This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, ´ Spain, [grant numbers PID2019–104950RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/ 501100011033, TED2021–129311B-I00 and PDC2022–133443-I00] and the Junta de Castilla y Leon ´ (JCyL), Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [grant number BU050P20]. E. Trigueros and P. Alonso-Riano ˜ predoctoral contracts are funded by JCyL and the European Social Fund (ESF) [ORDEN EDU/574/2018 and EDU/ 556/2019 respectively]. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 02-mar-2025