RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Network analysis of co-participation in thesis examination committees in an academic field in Spain T2 Análisis de la red de co-participaciones en tribunales de tesis de un área científica en España A1 Garrido Labrador, José Luis A1 Ramírez Sanz, José Miguel A1 Ahedo García, Virginia A1 Arnaiz Rodríguez, Adrián A1 García Osorio, César A1 Santos Martín, José Ignacio A1 Galán Ordax, José Manuel K1 Complex networks K1 Community detection K1 Doctoral thesis K1 Business organization K1 Pattern recognition K1 Redes complejas K1 Detección de comunidades K1 Tesis doctorales K1 Organización de empresas K1 Reconocimiento de patrones K1 Investigación K1 Research K1 Gestión de empresas K1 Industrial management K1 Informática K1 Computer science AB This paper applies complex network analysis to unveil the informal structure of the knowledge area of business organization —Organización de empresas— in Spain. To do so, we use the TESEO database. We retrieve and statically analyze all the thesesreferred to the UNESCO academic field of Organization and management of enterprises. Our results reveal a degreedistribution of the participation in thesis examining committees and thesis supervision compatible with a truncated power law.Community analysis of the projected network of co-participation in thesis committees presents modular structure. When wefocus on the backbone of such network, we find that the patterns detected can be partially explained by homophily of scholarsthat interact in the same academic association. PB Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización (ADINDOR) SN 1132-175X YR 2023 FD 2023-04 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7659 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/7659 LA spa NO The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (HAR2017-90883-REDC and RED2018‐102518‐T), from the Junta de Castilla y León - Consejería de Educación (BDNS 425389 and BU055P20) and the predoctoral grant awarded to Virginia Ahedo (supported by the European Social Fund), and from NVIDIA Corporation and its donation of the TITAN Xp GPUs that facilitated this research. In addition, the authors would like to thank Dr. Manzanedo, Dra. SaizBárcena, Dr. Solé Parellada, Dr. Izquierdo and Dr. del Olmo for their insightful help to improve the manuscript and Alicia Olivares-Gil and Yi Peng Ji for some programming help. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 10-mar-2025