RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 The effect of plastic deformation on hydrogen diffusion in nickel Alloy 625 A1 Lu, Xu A1 Díaz Portugal, Andrés A1 Ma, Jun A1 Wang, Dong A1 He, Jianying A1 Zhang, Zhiliang A1 Johnsen, Roy K1 Nickel alloy 625 K1 Hydrogen K1 Diffusion K1 Plastic deformation K1 Permeation K1 Ingeniería civil K1 Civil engineering K1 Resistencia de materiales K1 Strength of materials AB Recently, several hydrogen-assisted failures have been reported on different nickel alloys used in the subsea oiland gas industries. It is thus essential to correlate hydrogen uptake and diffusion behavior with stress conditionsfor an in-depth understanding of the failures. This study reports the first-hand finding on hydrogen diffusionbehavior in a nickel Alloy 625 under different pre-strain levels by combining the electrochemical permeation testand diffusion model, with a particular focus on the effect of grain boundary carbide. As the multiplication ofdislocations was claimed to trap hydrogen atoms and reduce the diffusivity by increasing the strain levels from0.05 to 0.2, an acceleration in hydrogen diffusivity was however observed when the strain was higher than 0.1.This phenomenon was deduced to be caused by the diffusion highways by the hydrogen-enhanced strain-inducedvacancy formation at the grain boundaries and reduced hydrogen trapping by the fractured carbides. PB Elsevier SN 1359-6462 YR 2023 FD 2023-03 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8351 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8351 LA eng NO The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Research Council of Norway through the project M-HEAT (294689) and the industry companies in the project. The Research Council of Norway is acknowledged for the support to the Norwegian Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Facility, NorFab, project number 295864. A. Díaz gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the Junta of Castile and Leon through grant BU-002-P20, co-financed by FEDER funds, and wishes to thank the Nanomechanical Lab of NTNU for providing hospitality during his research stay. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 22-feb-2025