RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 Complications Detection in Treatment for Bacterial Endocarditis A1 Curiel Herrera, Leticia Elena A1 Baruque Zanón, Bruno A1 Dueñas, Carlos A1 Corchado, Emilio A1 Pérez, Cristina K1 Decision Tree K1 Infective Endocarditis K1 Bacterial Endocarditis K1 Kernel Cluster K1 Case Base Reasoning System K1 Informática K1 Computer science K1 Medicina K1 Medicine AB This study proposes the use of decision trees to detect possible complications in a critical disease called endocarditis. The endocarditis illness could produce heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, emboli, immunological disorders anddeath. The aim is to obtained a tree decision classifier based on the symptoms (attributes) of patients (the data instances) observed by doctors to predict the possiblecomplications that can occur when a patient is in treatment of bacterial endocarditis and thus, help doctors to make an early diagnose so that they can treat more effectively the infection and aid to a patient faster recovery. The results obtainedusing a real data set, show that with the information extracted form each case in anearly stage of the development of the patient a quite accurate idea of the complications that can arise can be extracted. PB Springer Nature SN 1867-5662 YR 2011 FD 2011 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8577 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8577 LA eng NO Trabajo presentado en: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2011 DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 14-mar-2025