RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Hospital admission and vaccination as predictive factors of long COVID-19 symptoms A1 Romero-Rodríguez, Esperanza A1 Pérula de Torres, Luis Angel A1 Castro-Jiménez, Rafael Ángel A1 González-Lama, Jesús A1 Jiménez-García, Celia A1 González Bernal, Jerónimo A1 González Santos, Josefa A1 Vélez Santamaría, Rodrigo A1 Sánchez González, Esteban A1 Santamaría Peláez, Mirian K1 Long COVID K1 Persistent COVID K1 COVID-19 K1 Symptoms K1 Risk factor K1 Admission K1 Post-COVID K1 Medicina K1 Medicine K1 Salud K1 Health K1 Aparato respiratorio-Enfermedades K1 Respiratory organs-Diseases K1 Enfermedades infecciosas K1 Communicable diseases AB Background: Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, a great variabilityof symptoms that a ect all organsandsystemsof thebodyhas beenidentifiedinpatientswithSARSCoV infection; thissymptomatology cansometimespersistover time,givingrisetothesocalledlongCOVIDor postCOVID.Theaimofthisstudyistodelveintotheclinicalcharacterization ofthesepatients,aswellastotakeintoaccounttheinfluenceoffactorssuchas hospitalization,admissiontoICU,historyofpneumonia,orvaccinationstatus onthepersistenceofsymptoms. Material andmethods: An observational, descriptive, multicenter, and retrospective studywas designedwith a series of cases of peoplewho presentedlongCOVID,whichincludesunivariate,bivariate,andmultivariate analyses. Datawereobtained fromanonline adhocquestionnaire, and statisticalanalysiswasperformedusingSPSSSoftwareVersion (IBMInc., Chicago, IL,USA). Results:Hospitalization,ICUadmission,historyofpneumonia,andvaccination werepredictivefactors (positiveornegative) for thefollowing longCOVID symptoms: headache,menstrual disorders, joint pain, cough, chills, nasal congestion, backpain, abdominal pain,weight loss, eyediscomfort, facial erythema, itching, tremors, dizziness, seizures, sleepingdi culty, dryeyes, palpitations, fatigue, paresthesia, dyspnea, aphonia, chest pain, highblood pressure,vomiting,memoryloss,brainfog,hypothermia, lowbloodpressure, sputumorphlegm, lackofconcentration,hairloss,anderectiledysfunction. Conclusion: This studyprovidesevidenceontheclinical characterization of patients su ering fromlongCOVID inorder too er themthemost appropriatetreatments. PB Frontiers Media SN 2296-858X YR 2022 FD 2022-11 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8611 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8611 LA eng NO This research was funded by the call for research and innovation projects in the field of primary care, regional hospitals, and high-resolution hospital centers of the Public Health System of Andalusia in 2021 by the Progreso y Salud Foundation of the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía, with EXP. No. AP-0184-2021- C2-F2. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 23-feb-2025