RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 The determinants of teachers’ continuance commitment to e-learning in higher education A1 San Martín Gutiérrez, Sonia A1 Jiménez Torres, Nadia Huitzilin A1 Rodríguez Torrico, Paula A1 Piñeiro Ibarra, Irati K1 E-learning K1 Higher Education K1 Teachers' commintment K1 Institutional support K1 Enseñanza superior K1 Education, Higher K1 Tecnología K1 Technology AB Technological evolution involves a challenge for teachers and higher education institutions to achieve e-learning success. This paper addresses this issue from the teachers’perspective to reveal what characteristics of the e-learning system affect teachers’continuance commitment and contribute to the increase and permanence of e-learningprogrammes. This study investigates possible relationships among intrinsic and extrinsicvariables (self-efficacy beliefs, system quality and organisational impact) and teachers’continuance commitment. Based on previous information systems and e-learning research literature, this study presents an extended version of the Information SystemSuccess Model. The PLS-SEM method was employed to analyse the data collected froma probabilistic representative sample of 90 online teachers, 54% of them are male fromdifferent ages and teaching disciplines, and 78.6% of them are full-time teachers. Resultsshow that having a well-established learning management system in the institutionreinforces the instructors’ commitment. Institutions should build a learning environmentthat fits instructors’ needs, develop a creative, collaborative, secure, friendly and up-todate platform with quality interactions between learners and instructors. Apart fromoffering good system quality and technical assistance, perceived organisational impactreveals as a key to achieving teachers’ commitment to e-learning. PB Springer Nature SN 1360-2357 YR 2020 FD 2020-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8686 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8686 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 01-abr-2025