RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Expanded and Independent Spanish Validation of the MDS‐Non Motor Rating Scale A1 Cubo Delgado, Esther A1 Luo, Sheng A1 Martínez Martín, Pablo A1 Stebbins, Glenn T. A1 Lin, Jeffrey A1 Choi, Dongrak A1 García Bustillo, Álvaro A1 Mir, Pablo A1 Santos García, Diego A1 Serrano Dueñas, Marcos A1 Rodríguez-Violante, Mayela A1 Singer, Carlos K1 Non-motor symptoms K1 Rating scale K1 Parkinson’s disease K1 Sistema nervioso-Enfermedades K1 Nervous system-Diseases K1 Medicina K1 Medicine K1 Neurología K1 Neurology AB Background:The Movement Disorder Society-sponsored Non-motor Rating Scale (MDS-NMS) assessthe severity and disability caused by non-motor symptoms (NMS) in Parkinson’s disease (PD).ObjectiveObjective:This article encapsulates the formal process for completing this program and the data on thefirstofficially approved non-English version of the MDS-NMS (Spanish).MethodsMethods:The MDS-NMS translation program involves four steps: translation and back-translation; cognitive pre-testing to ensure that raters and patients understand the scale and are comfortable with its content;field testingof thefinalized version; analysis of the factor structure of the tested version against the original English languageversion for the nine domains that could be analyzed in a confirmatory factor analysis. To be designated an“OfficialMDS translation,”the confirmatory factor analysis Comparative Fit Index had to be≥0.90.ResultsResults:The Spanish MDS-NMS was tested in 364 native-Spanish-speaking patients with PD from sevencountries. For all subjects with fully computable data with all domains of the MDS-NMS (n=349), theComparative Fit Index was≥0.90 for the nine eligible domains. Missing data were negligible and moderateflooreffect (42.90%) was found for the Non-Motor Fluctuations subscale. Item homogeneity coefficient wasadequate, and the correlation of the MDS-NMS domains with other measures for related constructs wasacceptable (rs≥0.50).ConclusionsConclusions:The Spanish version of the MDS-NMS followed the IPMDS Translation Program protocol, reachedthe criterion to be designated as an Official Translation, and is now available on the MDS website. PB International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society SN 2330-1619 YR 2023 FD 2023-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8840 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/8840 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 07-mar-2025