RT dataset T1 Table A1. Protocol for monitoring the use of metacognitive strategies during group collaborative interaction (POMSCI) (Sáiz-Manzanares, 2024) (teaching year first year of the COVID 19 pandemic vs. second year), covariate (type of degree) on satisfaction and learning responses into the of Journal Comunicar" ISSN:1134-3478 A1 Sáiz Manzanares, María Consuelo A1 Martin, Caroline Françoise A1 González Díez, Irene A1 Jiménez Eguizábal, Alfredo A1 Calvo Rodríguez, Alberto A1 Varela Vázquez, Carmen A1 Almeida, Leandro A1 Velasco Saiz, Rut K1 Metacognitive strategies K1 Collaborative group K1 Monitoring K1 Higher education K1 Problem-based learning K1 Enseñanza superior K1 Education, Higher K1 Psicología K1 Psychology AB The study of the use of metacognitive strategies during learning interaction in collaborative groups is considered referential for understanding the development of such strategies. The use of metacognitive strategies is related to better learning outcomes. We monitored the interaction in five collaborative groups at three points in time (initial, intermediate and final). These groups consisted of undergraduate health science (n = 9) and biomedical engineering students (n = 10). The aims were: 1) To check whether there were significant differences in the use of metacognitive strategies between the groups of students monitored depending on the type of degree or the point in time measurement. 2) To test whether there were significant differences in students' learning outcomes depending on whether or not they had participated in the interaction moni-toring during collaborative interaction. Test clustering without a pre-assignment variable against learning outcomes in collaborative groups. Significant differences were detected in the use of some of the metacognitive strategies of orientation, planning and elaboration in favour of the col-laborative groups of Biomedical Engineering students. Also, students who participated in moni-toring collaborative group in both clusters obtained better learning outcomes. Lastly, the assign-ment groups are exactly related to the collaboration groups with respect to the use of metacogni-tive strategies in the final measurement. PB Universidad de Burgos YR 2024 FD 2024-08-31 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9521 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9521 LA eng NO This research was part of the project “Voice assistants and artificial intelligence in Moodle: a path to a smart university” -SmartLearnUni-. Project number: PID2020-117111RB-I00, funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades. Gobierno de España. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 07-mar-2025