RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Development of an integrated extraction and purification process for the recovery of high-value compounds from onion peels A1 Benito Román, Oscar A1 Candela Gil, Helena A1 Illera Gigante, Alba Ester A1 Melgosa Gómez, Rodrigo A1 Barea Gómez, Pedro A1 Ruiz Pérez, María Olga A1 Beltrán Calvo, Sagrario K1 Ingeniería química K1 Chemical engineering K1 Biotecnología K1 Biotechnology YR 2024 FD 2024-10 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9634 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9634 LA eng NO Comunicación oral presentada en: 5th Ibero-American Congress on Biorefineries (5-CIAB). October 2-4, 2024, Jaén (Spain) NO This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) [grant numbers PID2020-116716RJ-I00, TED2021-129311B-I00] and the Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [grant number BU027P23]. R. Melgosa contract was funded by a Beatriz Galindo Research Fellowship [BG20/00182]. P. Barea predoctoral contract was funded by JCyL and the European Social Fund (ESF) [ORDEN EDU/1868/2022, de 19 de diciembre. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 01-abr-2025