RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Magnetic signature of the 22 June 1932 tsunami deposits (Jalisco, Mexican Pacific coast) A1 Bógalo Román, Mª Felicidad A1 Ramírez‐Herrera, Maria-Teresa A1 Goguitchaichvili, Avto A1 Rey García, Daniel A1 Mohamed Falcón, Kais Jacob A1 Calvo Rathert, Manuel A1 Corona, Néstor K1 Magnetismo terrestre K1 Geomagnetism K1 Geología K1 Geology AB Recent studies have demonstrated that rock-magnetic analysis may provide additional information to distinguish and characterize extreme marine inundation events such as tsunamis. Rock-magnetic proxies reinforce and improve the environmental evidences supplied by other methods, adding some decisive clues for the interpretation of the origin and genesis of the sedimentary deposits. Here we report rock-magnetic, XRD, and SEM microscopy results obtained in the Palo Verde estuary (Colima Pacific coast, Mexico) in order to enhance the tools for identification and reconstruction of two tsunami-induced deposits. The sedimentary sequence includes two sand units, a tsunami deposit (PV1) associated with the 22 June 1932 tsunami and a deeper sandy layer (PV2) related to a possible paleotsunami that occurred around 1300 C.E. Both sandy units are topped by finer grained units. Magnetic properties exhibit a significant correlation with the stratigraphy. High susceptibility (χ) and high saturation isothermal remanence (SIRM) values typical of high concentrations of (titano)magnetite are a distinctive feature of the most recent sandy tsunamigenic unit PV1 and the overlaying soil. The lower sandy tsunamigenic unit PV2 shows significantly lower χ and SIRM values, indicating lower concentration of (titano)magnetite in this unit and the overlaying clayey-silt unit. The latter also shows a higher coercivity component associated with (titano)hematite. Magnetic grain-size differences are also observed between PV1 and PV2 suggesting differences in hydraulic conditions at the time of deposition. The bulk mineralogical composition and sediment texture of these units also support the hypothesis of different provenances for each tsunamigenic unit as inferred from magnetic properties. PB American Geophysical Union (AGU) SN 1525-2027 YR 2017 FD 2017-06 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9663 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9663 LA eng NO M. F. Bógalo and M. Calvo-Rathert acknowledge financial support by projects BU0066U16 of the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) and CGL2016–77560 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) both with European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding. M. T. Ramírez-Herrera acknowledges financial support by grants PAPPIT-UNAM-IN123609 and SEP-CONACYT-129456, and DGAPA-PASPA-2015. A. Goguitchaichvili acknowledges the partial financial support provided by DGAPA-PAPIIT IN101717 and CONACYT 252149. This work was also partially supported by Spanish projects CGL2015–66681-R and CGL2014–54117-REDT from MINECO and GRC2014/023 from Xunta de Galicia. K. J. Mohamed was funded by ED481C 2014/2 grant of the Xunta de Galicia. DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 09-mar-2025