RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 The constitution of non-financial reporting: agency and structure A1 Luque Vílchez, Mercedes A2 Universidad de Burgos. Departamento de Economía y Administración de Empresas K1 Accounting K1 Sustainability K1 Regulation K1 Agency K1 Structure K1 Contabilidad K1 Sostenibilidad K1 Regulación K1 Agencia K1 Estructura K1 Contabilidad social K1 Social accounting K1 Indicadores socioeconómicos K1 Economic indicators K1 5303.05 Contabilidad Social AB The general objective of this dissertation is to deepen theunderstanding of CSR reporting practice through the exploration ofboth social structures and agency. This dissertation includes fourinvestigations that explore and explain such question throughdifferent theoretical and methodological approaches. In particular,each of these investigations explores, respectively: (i) the influenceof state actors on non-financial reporting through processes of lawmaking and law-implementation; (ii) the influence of non-stateactors on non-financial reporting through informal rules (norms ofpractice); (iii) the influence of agency and structures in theconstitution of a particular process of non-financial reportingregulation; and (iv) the influence of organizational actors’ agency (inparticular, managers’ personal values) and organizational structurein environmental reporting. Accordingly, each chapter contains oneof these investigations. The first and second chapters, based ontheoretical insights drawn from institutional sociology andnormativity production, reveal that non-financial reporting practice(CSR reporting and assurance) seems to be explained by the agencyof a plurality of actors (state and non-state actors) and the existenceof certain reporting patterns. The third and fourth chapters, basedon theoretical insights drawn from Giddens’ structuration theory,conclude that the actors’ capacity to exercise agency in a specificcontext is determined by different structures, at both theorganizational (chapter four) and the historical, political andeconomic (chapter three) levels. Overall, this dissertation reflects onthe central aspects around which the emission of rules of practice(norms) in non-financial reporting is articulated. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9744 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9744 LA eng NO Tesis con Mención Internacional DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 22-feb-2025