RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Geochemical and spectroscopic approach to the characterization of earliest cremated human bones from the Levant (PPNB of Kharaysin, Jordan) A1 Iriarte Avilés, Eneko A1 García Tojal, Javier A1 Santana Cabrera, Jonathan A1 Jorge Villar, Susana E. A1 Teira, Luis . A1 Muñiz Álvarez, Juan Ramón A1 Ibáñez, Juan José . K1 Cremation K1 PPNB K1 Jordan K1 X-ray diffraction K1 FTIR K1 EPR K1 Raman spectroscopy K1 Arqueología K1 Archaeology K1 Paleontología K1 Paleontology AB Cremation is a widespread funerary practice that aims to burn the body and create a new appearance of human remains. It has been interpreted as a ritual transition that includes a sequence of acts and processes aimed at commemorating the dead on an individual and collective scale. In the Near East, fire-induced manipulation or cremation was not a usual burial practice during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic. In this contribution, we present the geochemical (X-ray fluorescence), mineralogical (X-ray Diffraction) and spectroscopic (Raman spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) analysis of bones from a Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (ca. 9000 yr cal BP) burial in Kharaysin site (Quneya, Zarqa) in northwest Jordan. We discuss the data obtained by the different analytical methods reviewing the state of the art of each analytical method to infer bone burning palaeotemperatures. Finally, it is demonstrated the burned character of the analysed bones, confirming the earliest presence of cremated human bones in a funerary context of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of the Near East in Kharaysin. This fact provides a new insight into the complexity and variability of burial customs within the Pre-Pottery Neolithic in Levant. PB Elsevier SN 2352-409X YR 2020 FD 2020-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9767 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9767 LA eng NO The authors acknowledge the Consejería de Educación de Castilla y León and FEDER BU291P18, BU022G18 and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad projects: “Los orígenes del Neolítico en Próximo Oriente: Cambios Ambientales, Económicos, Sociales e Ideológicos (NEOPROX) (HAR2016-74999-P)”, CTQ2016-75023-C2-1-P and CTQ2015-70371-REDT MetDrugs Network (Spain) for financing different aspects of this work DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 01-abr-2025