RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Understand Sexual Risk Behaviours in Young Adults and Challenges in their Education T2 Comprender las Conductas de Riesgo Sexual en Adultos Jóvenes y los Desafíos en su Educación A1 Alonso Martínez, Laura A1 Fernández Hawrylak, María A1 Heras Sevilla, Davinia A1 Ortega Sánchez, Delfín K1 Consequences K1 Sexual attitude K1 Sexual behaviour K1 Sexuality education K1 Risk factor K1 Young adult K1 Consecuencias K1 Comportamiento sexual K1 Educación sexual K1 Adulto joven K1 Factor de riesgo K1 Educación sexual K1 Sex instruction AB Sexual risk behaviours are considered sexual conducts that can cause biological, psychological and social damage. Therefore, sexuality education is considered the only effective way to avoid it. This project aims to understand sexual risk behaviour factors and their consequences in young adults and to explore strategies they would use to face them. To answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative study in which we interviewed 11 young adults using an asynchronous mail technique due to the Covid19 pandemic. We also carried out a thematic analysis and developed our key results: 1) Sexual attitudes and behaviours; 2) Sexual risk factors, 3) Sexual risk consequences; and 4) Educational approach and strategies. Similarities in the themes were verified with previous literature, exposing the importance of learning to identify factors and consequences to respond appropriately. Participants believe that comprehensive and egalitarian sexuality education applied at individual and community level is a solid method that can improve sexual health and well-being. To conclude, this study reveals the importance of listening to young adults’ perspectives towards these conduct variables and educational approaches in order to establish global health strategies that could be based on these results. PB Hipatia Press SN 2014-6418 YR 2021 FD 2021-06 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9804 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10259/9804 LA eng DS Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos RD 03-mar-2025