TY - RPRT AU - Manso Villalaín, Juan Manuel AU - Ortega López, Vanesa AU - Fiol Olivan, Francisco AU - Espinosa González, Ana Belén AU - Skaf Revenga, Marta AU - Serrano López, Roberto AU - Esteban Ciria, Alberto AU - Faleschini, Flora AU - Revilla Cuesta, Víctor AU - López Ausín, Víctor AU - Manso Morato, Javier AU - Hurtado Alonso, Nerea AU - Hernando Revenga, Manuel PY - 2025 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/10259/10176 AB - This dataset contains the data generated during the execution of the project “REcycling of WIND turbine blades and foundations in concrete for new high-power wind farms (REWIND)”, code TED2021-129715B-I00, corresponding to the 2021 Call of “Proyectos... LA - eng A3 - Universidad de Burgos KW - Wind-turbine blade KW - Waste treatement KW - Recycling KW - Concrete KW - Mechanical properties KW - Deformational performance KW - Ingeniería civil KW - Civil engineering KW - Materiales de construcción KW - Building materials KW - Hormigón-Ensayos KW - Concrete-Testing TI - Dataset of the Project TED2021-129715B-I00 (UBU, SUCONS group) DO - 10.36443/10259/10176 ER -