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Exploring developmental changes in femoral midneck cross‐sectional properties
Publicado en
The Anatomical Record. 2024, p. 1-22
Fecha de publicación
This research delves deeper into previous works on femoral cross-sectional properties during ontogeny by focusing for the first time on the human femoral midneck. The ontogenetic pattern of cross-sectional properties at femoral midneck is established and compared with those at three different femoral locations: the proximal femur, the midshaft, and the distal femur. The study sample includes 99 femora (70 non-adults and 29 adults) belonging to archaeological specimens. Cross-sectional properties were extracted from computed tomographic scans and analyzed with the MomentMacro plugin of ImageJ. Ontogenetic trends of these variables were assessed using locally estimated scatterplot smoothing and segmented regressions, along with Wilcoxon post hoc tests for all possible age group pairings. Our results show that the femoral midneck exhibits a unique growth pattern. Area variables showed rapid growth until adolescence, followed by a more gradual increase leading into adulthood. Nonetheless, the relative cortical area does not demonstrate any significant drops or rise during growth. The morphology of the midneck section of the femur remains stable during ontogeny, with early adolescence and the onset of adulthood marking two periods of significant change. In contrast to the femoral diaphysis, the acquisition of a mature bipedal gait does not appear to constitute a period of significant morphological change at the femoral midneck cross section.
Palabras clave
Bipedal gait
Anatomía humana
Human anatomy
Restos humanos (Arqueología)
Human remains (Archaeology)
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