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Impact ballistic resistance of high workability concrete reinforced with crushed wind-turbine blade
Publicado en
4th World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense
Fecha de publicación
Póster presentado en: 4th World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense 2024, durante los días 20-22 de junio en Braga (Portugal)
The implementation of circular economy in the wind-energy sector can be promoted by recycling the dismantled wind-turbine blades through crushing to produce fibres. The use of those fibres in self-compacting concrete allows improving its ductility and energy absorption, behavior that is analysed in this research by evaluating its impact ballistic resistance. The addition of this waste fibres from a percentage of 4.5% increased the flexural strength and impact ballistic of concrete. Although concrete with those recycled fibres did not reach the performance of conventional concrete, this study meant a starting point to try to develop concrete with that waste that exhibits high resistance to such external stresses
Materiales de construcción
Building materials
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