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Research on Sustainable Bituminous Mixture for Permeable Wearing Layers in Road Pavements
Publicado en
Key Engineering Materials. 2022, V. 929, p. 149
Trans Tech Publications
Fecha de publicación
Comunicación oral virtual presentada en: The 7th International Conference on Building Materials and Construction (ICBMC), celebrada de forma online en Singapur en marzo de 2022.
A surface layer of permeable bituminous mixture has been laid on an existing pavement section. This layer, in addition to providing the pavement with draining characteristics and acoustic comfort, incorporates a residue that is difficult to apply, the ladle furnace steel slag. The tests carried out show that the designed mixture meets the requirements in terms of mechanical properties, resistance to the action of water, and porosity. Furthermore, in-situ tests on the completed layer demonstrate its excellent permeability, as well as a surface texture suitable for use on roads and highways. The introduction of the ladle furnace slag makes it possible to design a high-performance, but also environmentally sustainable, mix.
Materiales de construcción
Building materials
Ingeniería civil
Civil engineering
Estructuras (Construcción)
Structural engineering
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