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Supercritical fluid extraction of fish oil from fish by-products: A comparison with other extraction methods
(2012-03, Elsevier)Artículo -
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Wine Byproducts and Their Potential Uses in the Food Industry
(2014-12, American Chemical Society)Artículo -
Adaptation and Validation of QUick, Easy, New, CHEap, and Reproducible (QUENCHER) Antioxidant Capacity Assays in Model Products Obtained from Residual Wine Pomace
(2015-08, American Chemical Society)Artículo -
Effect of a New Natural Seasoning on the Formation of Pyrazines in Barbecued Beef Patties
(2016, Hindawi Publishing Corporation)Artículo -
Wine pomace seasoning attenuates hyperglycaemia-induced endothelial dysfunction and oxidative damage in endothelial cells
(2016-04, Elsevier)Artículo -
Bioavailability of phenolic compounds and antioxidant effects of wine pomace seasoning after oral administration in rats
(2016-08, Elsevier)Artículo -
Total antioxidant capacity of new natural powdered seasonings after gastrointestinal and colonic digestion
(2016-11, Elsevier)Artículo -
Evaluación de la eficacia de las altas presiones para alargar la vida útil de variedades de morcilla con nuevos ingredientes
(2017)Contribución a congreso -
Antioxidant effect of seasonings derived from wine pomace on lipid oxidation in refrigerated and frozen beef patties
(2017-04, Elsevier)Artículo -
The effects of heat treatment on the phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of red wine pomace seasonings
(2017-04, Elsevier)Artículo -
Textural characteristics of safe dishes for dysphagic patients: a multivariate analysis approach
(2019, Taylor and Francis)Artículo -
Efecto de antioxidantes naturales sobre las características físico-químicas y la estabilidad oxidativa de carne de potro
(2019, Universidad de León)Contribución a congreso -
Efecto de los reductores de pH sobre el perfil sensorial y olfativo de salchichas cocidas de pollo
(2019, Universidad de León)Contribución a congreso -
Physicochemical and sensory properties of sous vide meat and meat analog products marinated and cooked at different temperature-time combinations
(2019, Taylor and Francis)Artículo -
Utilización de reductores de pH para alargar la vida útil de salchichas cocidas de pollo
(2019, Universidad de León)Contribución a congreso -
Wine pomace product modulates oxidative stress and microbiota in obesity high-fat diet-fed rats
(2020, Elsevier)Artículo -