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Role of interface in multilayered composites under irradiation: A mathematical investigation
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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017, V. 2017, Art. ID 1079735
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
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A continuum model of point-defects evolution during irradiation of a multilayer composite material is presented in this work. Nonstationary balance equations are used to describe production, recombination, transport, and annihilation, or removal, of vacancies and interstitials in a β-α-β three-layer system (α = Cu and β = Nb, V, or Ni). In addition, transport and trapping of point-defects at interfaces are taken into account. Numerical investigation on similarities and differences between Cu/Nb, Cu/V, and Cu/Ni systems is also performed. A general comparison of model results reveals that average vacancy concentration is typically higher than SIA one in both layers for all the systems investigated. This is a consequence of the higher diffusion rate of SIAs with respect to vacancies. Stationary state is reached without saturating interface point-defect traps by all systems but Cu/Ni for the case of SIAs. It can be also seen that Cu/Nb and Cu/V systems have a very similar behavior regarding point-defect temporal evolution in copper (layer α), while higher SIA concentration at steady state is shown therein by the Cu/Ni structure. Moreover, Cu/V system displays the lower stationary vacancy concentration in layer β.
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