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Immersive virtual-reality computer-assembly serious game to enhance autonomous learning
Publicado en
Virtual Reality. 2021
Fecha de publicación
Immersive virtual reality (VR) environments create a very strong sense of presence and immersion. Nowadays, especially
when student isolation and online autonomous learning is required, such sensations can provide higher satisfaction and learning
rates than conventional teaching. However, up until the present, learning outcomes with VR tools have yet to prove their
advantageous aspects over conventional teaching. The project presents a VR serious game for teaching concepts associated
with computer hardware assembly. These concepts are often included in any undergraduate’s introduction to Computer Science.
The learning outcomes are evaluated using a pre-test of previous knowledge, a satisfaction/usability test, and a post-test
on knowledge acquisition, structured with questions on different knowledge areas. The results of the VR serious game are
compared with another two learning methodologies adapted to online learning: (1) an online conventional lecture; and (2)
playing the same serious game on a desktop PC. An extensive sample of students (n = 77) was formed for this purpose. The
results showed the strong potential of VR serious games to improve student well-being during spells of confinement, due to
higher learning satisfaction. Besides, ease of usability and the use of in-game tutorials are directly related with game-user
satisfaction and performance. The main novelty of this research is related to academic performance. Although a very limited
effect was noted for learning theoretical knowledge with the VR application in comparison with the other methodologies,
this effect was significantly improved through visual knowledge, understanding and making connections between different
concepts. It can therefore be concluded that the proposed VR serious game has the potential to increase student learning and
therefore student satisfaction, by imparting a deeper understanding of the subject matter to students.
Palabras clave
Virtual reality
Educational game
Active learning
Computer science
Game engine
Head mounted display
Computer science
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