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Agent-based simulation model of bus evacuation events
Publicado en
R-Evolucionando el transporte
Universidad de Burgos. Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional
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Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de Burgos
The time required for the evacuation of the occupants of buses and coaches, that is, Large-
Dimension Passenger Transport Vehicles (V.G.D.T.P.) is a fundamental safety parameter
for these vehicles. Starting from the fact that they are a mode of transport with very high
levels of security, when events with collision and subsequent fire occur, or in cases of fire
exclusively, it is when these events generate injuries or even deaths. Additionally, part of
the UN CEPE regulations that affect these vehicles (e.g. R107) are defined in such a way
as to reduce this evacuation time. Others, R118, are aimed at reducing the severity of the
fire and, therefore, increasing the time available before suffering serious consequences.
Therefore, the need to know which are the fundamental aspects that can improve these two
time intervals, evacuation and available, is concluded.
In the present work, a coach is modelled, and simulated by means of an agent-based model,
both the boarding process, and the disembarkation or evacuation process. Some relevant
characteristics of the model are that it allows to analyse the influence of the mobility of
each agent (occupant) as well as that of the vehicle's configuration. Among others, some of
the characteristics of the occupants are their average speed of movement and associated
with a probability function, their size, the probability of using emergency exits (e.g.
jumping through an emergency window), etc. Regarding the vehicle, the fundamental
aspects contemplated in the model are those relating to accessibility to the interior of the
vehicle and, once inside it in the corridors, access to the seats. Among other parameters,
the width of the gangway, the distances between seats, the characteristics of the entrances,
stairs, etc.
The model is used to analyse the influence of the variability of each of the occupant and
vehicle parameters described, and the probabilities of complete and partial evacuation
times are deduced. Based on these results, it is concluded that the exits locations, and the
age (mobility) of the passengers are the main parameters influencing the probability of a
high evacuation time.
Palabras clave
Transporte urbano
Urban transportation
Ingeniería civil
Civil engineering
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