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Characterization properties and fire behaviour of cement blocks with recycled polyurethane roof wastes
Publicado en
Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, V. 50, 104075
Fecha de publicación
In accordance with the European politics of reducing the amount of polymers and plastics wastes,
the inclusion of compounds such as roof wastes as recycled and reusable materials to replace
variable amounts of aggregates is interesting in the production of new construction materials due
to their physical and chemical behaviour.
Prefabricated mortar blocks have made with Portland cement, sand, water and grinded roof
polyurethane based wastes from the automobile industry that replace in different amounts part or
all of the aggregates. To try to avoid the mechanical resistance limitation due to the use of roof
wastes, the chemical properties of the binders have been modified with non-ionic surfactants that
improve the effect on the hydration of the clinker. This variation produces an important change in
the mechanical resistance to achieve recycled structural materials with a density between 18.7%
and 62.7% lower compared to conventional lightweight mortars. In addition, these surfactants
improve other properties including workability, compaction of the matrix, prevent the disintegration of the particles and help to improve the mechanical properties and durability against fire
to reinforce the materials.
These eco-mortars have a good behaviour against temperature of the final envelope, measured
in terms of non-combustibility test. With these results, the use of roof wastes can be consider as a
sustainable alternative to the materials currently used and then with them we can be able to
contribute to a more ecological business model in the building sector.
Palabras clave
Lightweight mortar
Fire resistance
Confocal microscopy
Materiales de construcción
Building materials
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