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Hammer rebound index as an overall-mechanical-quality indicator of self-compacting concrete containing recycled concrete aggregate
Publicado en
Construction and Building Materials. 2022, V. 347, 128549
Fecha de publicación
The hammer rebound index has traditionally been solely and exclusively used to estimate the compressive
strength of vibrated concrete. Its use has recently been extended to the prediction of the compressive strength of
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) and concrete produced with Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA). The conventional use of the hammer-rebound test is further developed in this paper, by demonstrating how it can be used
to estimate the overall mechanical behavior of SCC containing RCA. To do so, nine SCC mixes with different
contents and fractions (coarse, fine, and powder) of RCA are analyzed. Following a simple-linear-regression
validation and property standardization procedure, the hammer rebound index is then expressed as a linear
combination of four mechanical properties, adjusted through a multiple regression. The hammer rebound index
is therefore expressed as a weighting of both the mean value of compressive behavior (arithmetic mean of
compressive strength and modulus of elasticity) amounting to a weight of 72.8%, and the mean value of bendingtensile behavior (arithmetic mean of splitting tensile strength and flexural strength) amounting to a weight of
27.2%. The hammer rebound index can therefore be construed as an overall-mechanical-quality performance
indicator of the SCC containing RCA, which can also yield predictions of every mechanical property. In this way,
the application of the hammer rebound index could likewise be of use in rehabilitation, pathology, and healthmonitoring works where a full characterization of the mechanical performance of SCC with RCA is required,
facilitating the use of SCC with RCA in real structures.
Palabras clave
Self-compacting concrete
Recycled concrete aggregate
Hammer rebound index
Mechanical behavior
Linear multiple regression
Mechanical-quality indicator
Ingeniería civil
Civil engineering
Materiales de construcción
Building materials
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