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Evaluation of the Radar Speed Cameras and Panels Indicating the Vehicles’ Speed as Traffic Calming Measures (TCM) in Short Length Urban Areas Located along Rural Roads
Publicado en
Energies. 2021, V. 14, n. 23, 8146
Fecha de publicación
Traffic calming measures (TCMs) are implemented in urban areas to reduce vehicles’ speed
and, generally speaking, results are obtained. However, speed is still a problem in rural roads crossing
small villages without a bypass and with short-length urban areas, since drivers do not normally
reduce their speed for that short segment. Hence, various TCM can be installed. It is necessary
to maintain a calm area in these short segments to improve road safety, especially for pedestrian
aiming to cross the road, and to save combustible by avoiding a constant increase-decrease of speed.
Four villages were selected to evaluate the efficiency of radar speed cameras and panels indicating
vehicle’s speed. Results showed that the presence of radar speed cameras reduces the speed in the
direction they can fine, but with a lower effect in the non-fining direction. Additionally, a positive
effect was observed in the fining direction in other points, such as pedestrian crossings. Nevertheless,
the effect does not last long and speed cameras may be considered as punctual measures. If the TCMs
are placed far from the start of the village they are not respected. Hence, it is recommended to place
them near the real start of the build-up area. Lastly, it was verified that longer urban areas make
overall speed decrease. However, when drivers feel that they are arriving to the end of the urban
area, due to the inexistence of buildings, they start speeding up.
Palabras clave
Traffic calming measure
Radar speed camera
Urban area
Road safety
Rural roads
Ingeniería civil
Civil engineering
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