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Aqueous UV–VIS spectroelectrochemical study of the voltammetric reduction of graphene oxide on screen-printed carbon electrodes
Publicado en
Electrochemistry Communications. 2016,
V. 64, p. 65-68
Fecha de publicación
Two graphene oxide (GO) materials with different layer size and proportion of functional groups in the basal planes (hydroxyl and epoxy) and in the edges (carbonyl and carboxyl) were used to modify the surface of commercially available screen-printed electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry in 0.1 M KNO3 was evaluated as an easy to use electrochemical methodology to reduce GO attached to the surface of screen-printed electrodes (SPEs). A cathodic peak related to the reduction of GO was identified, and the peak potential was correlated to the difficulty to reduce GO to electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) depending on the functional groups present in the basal plane and in the edges of the original GO monolayers. Time-resolved UV–VIS absorption spectroelectrochemistry in near-normal reflection mode on a screen-printed electrode is used for the very first time as an in situ characterization technique for real-time monitoring unambiguously the electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide.
Palabras clave
Graphene oxide
Electrochemically reduced graphene oxide
Screen-printed electrodes
Cyclic voltammetry
Raman spectroscopy
UV–VIS spectroelectrochemistry
Química analítica
Chemistry, Analytic
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